Monday, March 30, 2020

Signs of God's Promises

Signs of God's Promises

In mid-morning, on sunny days, for about two hours, I have rainbows that dance all around my living room. I would often play a game we called chasing the rainbows with certain kids in my life. We would run around and try to stomp on the floor rainbows and 'tag' the wall rainbows. Whoever caught  the most would win. Then we would try to land rainbows on our bodies. This game always ended in laughter.

Last night as I prayed in bed I said to God,  "Could I please have a sign you are with me. My faith tells me you are with me; my mind knows you are with me, but a tangible sign would be helpful right about now." Now there are many times that I pray for a sign from God and God seems incommunicado. Silence. Nothing. Then there are times that eventually God reveals God's self to me. Not this time. Boom - first thing in the morning I got my sign.

You see when you have rainbows dancing around your living room every sunny day you stop noticing them. I had totally become oblivious to the kaleidoscopic colors that fleetingly make daily appearances. But not today. After finishing breakfast I stated to climb the steps to the bedroom when in my mind  I heard the words 'Stop and look'. I turned my face to the living room and there were  all these multi colored arches that seemed to be screaming, "Look at me! Look at me!."

The rainbows stopped me. They were there to remind me of God's promises to all human kind. Not just that God would never again destroy the earth with a flood, but that God keeps all of God's promises. I saw the rainbows that are created from  heart and cross crystals in my windows in a new way. A tangible sign saying, " God's love is refracted through the cross and spread throughout your home; throughout the world."

I went and got my phone and started to take pictures. As I was trying to get some good shots I noticed that the rainbows were moving and some were disappearing. These disappearing rainbows and my desire to "see" God made me think of  John 14:19; "[Jesus said], In a little while the world will no longer see me but you will see me; because I live , you will also live." God was telling me trust your faith Maggie, trust your faith. I am here - sign or no sign.

If this wasn't good enough God blessed me with one more sign of assurance of God's constant presence. Before sitting down to  write this blog I pulled out my daily devotional Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. Today's devotion included this paragraph; Every day provides many opportunities for you to learn My ways and grow closer to Me. Signs of My Presence brighten even the dullest day when you have eyes that really see. Search for me as for hidden treasure, I will be found by you.
Okay God, I think I got it!

I realize there are many people who would say that this was not a sign from God but observation skills with a healthy dose of imagination. I don't believe that. I believe that God listens when we talk to God and responds. I am grateful that God responded to my request so swiftly and opened my eyes to see what I needed to see.

My suggestion to you is to go ahead and ask for signs and then get ready to be surprised. Let me know how God shows up for you.

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